
Helpers are global functions that are registered by default when you create the CarrotEngine. You can access them in all of your templates, and they provide some useful functionality: from HTML-escaping to formatting numbers.

Mark a string as "safe". When Configuration.Builder#setAutoEscape is false (which is the default), all output from tags is escaped automatically. If you don't want that to happen (for example, if the value is from a known safe source), then you can use to mark is as safe for un-escaped output.

For example, given the following template:

{{ "Some <b>HTML</b> here" }}
{{"Some <b>HTML</b> here") }}

You would get:

Some &lt;b&gt;HTML&lt;/b&gt; here
Some <b>HTML</b> here
Explicitly HTML-escape the given string. This is handy if you want to turn auto-escaping off by default (via Configuration.Builder#setAutoEscape) but then want to selectively escape some strings.

Note that calling this over and over will not cause the string to become double-escaped. And calling this when auto-escape is on will have no effect.